

What would you do if you had a time machine? Would you change anything about your life?

It’s safe to say that many of us would be tempted to go back and steer ourselves away from any wrong turns we might have taken and guide our younger selves on what we might view as an easier or smoother path.

But believe it or not, this plan may end up backfiring.

Here's why: If we did that to ourselves, we would be depriving ourselves of gaining true wisdom - which can only be gained through authentic experience.

But rather than turning back time and changing things, what if instead we had a tool that could affect our future in an authentic way?

A foundational roadmap that would guide us through difficult experiences, empower us to make the be right choices in the face of any tough decisions we may face.

I believe dad's first book, See You At The Top, is exactly that roadmap.

And the best part is - you don’t have to have a time machine to access it!

In fact, starting today, we’re turning back the clock for you - offering you the opportunity to the get your copy for its original 1974 “Release Day” price of just $10!

This the book that started it all! It is a seminal training that stresses the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, strong personal character as well as a healthy self-image, personal goals and how to achieve those goals.

This is the book that started it all!

It is a seminal training stressing the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, strong personal character as well as a healthy self-image, personal goals and how to achieve those goals.

When you grab your copy at this very special price, you’re going to “unlock” a special gift. It will give you the opportunity to have access to something very special.

If you’ve never had the opportunity to see Dad speak live OR you DID see him speak live and you want to experience it again - you DO NOT want to miss out on this - trust me! And the mystery is revealed immediately after you grab your copy of the book...

Copies are limited so turn back the clock to 1974 and consider this book your time machine...but even more powerful.

What would you do if you had a time machine? Would you change anything about your life?

It’s safe to say that many of us would be tempted to go back and steer ourselves away from any wrong turns we might have taken and guide our younger selves on what we might view as an easier or smoother path.

But believe it or not, this plan may end up backfiring.

Here's why: If we did that to ourselves, we would be depriving ourselves of gaining true wisdom - which can only be gained through authentic experience.

But rather than turning back time and changing things, what if instead we had a tool that could affect our future in an authentic way?

A foundational roadmap that would guide us through difficult experiences, empower us to make the be right choices in the face of any tough decisions we may face.

I believe dad's first book, See You At The Top, is exactly that roadmap.

And the best part is - you don’t have to have a time machine to access it!

In fact, starting today, we’re turning back the clock for you - offering you the opportunity to the get your copy for its original 1974 “Release Day” price of just $10!

This the book that started it all! It is a seminal training that stresses the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, strong personal character as well as a healthy self-image, personal goals and how to achieve those goals.

This is the book that started it all!

It is a seminal training stressing the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, strong personal character as well as a healthy self-image, personal goals and how to achieve those goals.

When you grab your copy at this very special price, you’re going to “unlock” a special gift. It will give you the opportunity to have access to something very special.

If you’ve never had the opportunity to see Dad speak live OR you DID see him speak live and you want to experience it again - you DO NOT want to miss out on this - trust me! And the mystery is revealed immediately after you grab your copy of the book...

Copies are limited so turn back the clock to 1974 and consider this book your time machine...but even more powerful.

00Hours: 15Minutes: 00Seconds

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See You at the Top (1974 Price)
$10.00 Plus $5 S/H
[Canadian Residents] See You at the Top
$10.00 Plus $15 S/H

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